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Showing posts from October, 2024

Quote 35 Explained

Quote 35 : "FAITH is the only agency through which the cosmic force of Infinite Intelligence can be harnessed and used by man." Explanation : This quote suggests that faith is the key mechanism by which human beings can access and utilize the limitless power of the universe (God created the Universe and gave man power to create and bring into existence), often referred to as Infinite Intelligence. Faith , in this context, refers to a deep, unwavering belief in things unseen or yet to be realized. It is through this belief that individuals connect with a higher power or the universal mind, enabling them to draw upon insights, creativity, and solutions that transcend ordinary human understanding. By embracing faith, one can channel this cosmic force to achieve extraordinary outcomes and manifest desires. ** This quote is from the book 'Think & Grow Rich' by Dr. Napoleon Hill ** 

Quote 34 Explained

Quote 34 : "FAITH is the element which transforms the ordinary vibration of thought, created by the finite mind of man, into the spiritual equivalent." Explanation : This quote explains the transformative power of faith in elevating human thought to a higher, spiritual level. It suggests that while our thoughts may originate from the limited capacity of the human mind, faith has the ability to convert these ordinary thoughts into something much greater—into spiritual energy or understanding. Faith acts as a bridge between the finite and the infinite, allowing our thoughts and desires to resonate on a divine or spiritual frequency. In essence, it highlights how faith can elevate human thinking to a level that connects with the divine. ** This quote is from the book 'Think & Grow Rich' by Dr. Napoleon Hill **